APO Minimum Education Entry Level
- SPM with 3 subjects scored Credits C or above entry as Police Constable (PC)
- UEC with 3 subjects scored D7 or above entry as Police Constable (PC)
- Singapore WPLN 5 subjects score level 5 entry as Police Constable (PC)
- QS World Ranking University Degree (any subjects) entry as Police Corporal (CPL) Rank

APO BMI Requirement
- Body Mass Index in between BMI 18-27.
- Female minimum height is 157cm.
- Male minimum height is 162cm
- No visible tattoos
- Physically, Mentally & Medically Fit.
- if your current BMI is overweight, reduce it to meet the entry requirement.

APO Eye & Vision Requirement
- Both eye no colour blindness
- Both sys no injuries history
- Wear Specs (short/long sighted) are accepted

APO Background Checks
- No criminal records in Singapore
- No criminal records in Malaysia
- Free from any ongoing police investigation cases in both country
- No poor financial credit status report (CTOS) in Malaysia and CBS in Singapore

APO Language Ability
- Able to communicate and write English
- Able to communicate in Mandarin

APO Police IPPT Physical Test
- Sit-up in 1 minutes
- Push-up (Pumping) in 1 minutes
- 2.4km run with limited timing base on age catergory

Auxiliary Police Force Ranking.
Start from Police Constable (PC) promoted to LCP, CPL, SGT, SSGT, SSS, SI, SSI INSP.......

Police Training Classes
- Criminal Laws
- Police Powers & Procedures
- Criminal Procedures Code
- Crowd Control & Traffic Control
- Police Defence Tactics (T-Baton)
- Hancuffing suspect Technique
- Physical Training & Test
- Handling of Firearms & Shooting

Angkat Sumpah to start work at....
- International Airports
- International Seaports
- Checkpoints
- Crowds Control & Traffic Control duties
- Law enforcement duty